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- License to use Finderz - Keeperz
- Copyright 1995 (C) Steven T. Fricke, Dennis Coble
- Finderz - Keeperz (hereafter referred to as the program) may be run on any
- computer freely for a period of 30 days for evaluation purposes. Should use of
- the program desired after a 30 day trial period, the program must be
- registered. Once registered, the registered user may run the program on
- multiple computers provided that the registered user is the primary user of the
- software.
- An unlicensed copy may be retained for archival purposes, but if the program is
- not registered, it must be in an unplayable compressed format (i.e. ZIP).
- License to distribute Finderz - Keeperz
- Copyright 1995 (C) Steven T. Fricke, Dennis Coble
- Finderz -Keeperz (hereafter referred to as the program) may be distributed in an
- unregistered format provided the following conditions are met:
- 1) Only original files are distributed
- 2) If there is a charge for distribution media, the charge to the customer for
- the media, advertising, packaging, or other business charges for the
- distribution the charge must not exceed $5.00 without the written consent of
- the author. Online services may charge normal connect rates during
- downloading of the program.
- 3) If a charge for distribution media exists, there must be written notification
- prior to sale to a potential customer that the product is shareware.
- Disclaimer:
- Finderz - Keeperz (hereafter referred to as the program) is provided as is. No
- warranty or guaranty either written or spoken or otherwise implied will be
- honored or granted. Steven T. Fricke and Dennis Coble (hereafter referred to as
- the authors)makes no claims to the usefulness or effectiveness of this product.
- At no time shall the authors of the program be liable for any incidental,
- indirect special, direct or consequential damages whatsoever (including but not
- limited to lost profits or revenues) arising from or relating to the use or
- lack of use of the program or any files associated with the program even if the
- authors of the program have been advised, knew, or should have known of the
- possibility of such damages.